Reputation Management in a Digital World:
Recognizing and Successfully Navigating a Business Crisis
The webinar is now over

In this age, where the smallest things in any company can easily erupt into a national crisis, isn’t it best to be prepared? No company wants the sort of unexpected and unwelcome spotlight that Starbucks has drawn in recent months.
You’re invited to join both 30-year PR veterans and digital natives at R&J Strategic Communications for a live webinar where we’ll talk about crisis management in today’s digital world. We’ll break down in 40 minutes, how no crisis is too small, how to prepare for the inevitable and what to do if that crisis does happen.
Attendees of this webinar will walk away with the following vital information:
- How to monitor online and traditional channels to identify potential vulnerabilities.
- How making deposits into your “bank of good will” now can help you to effectively change the conversation about your crisis.
- What steps you should be taking NOW, before you find yourself in the throes of a crisis.
- How to choose the best and most effective communication channels for your unique crisis.
- How to effectively engage with the media and prospective detractions.
Meet our presenters:
John Lonsdorf
John is a recognized leader in the public relations and marketing communications fields. He founded R&J in 1986 and has led the firm to become one of the region’s leading strategic communications consultancies. He has engineered numerous successful campaigns and initiatives cross multiple practice areas including crisis management, corporate communications/reputation management, issues management and product publicity/media relations.
Scott Marioni
Executive Vice President
Scott is a principal of R&J Strategic Communications, and a 20+ year veteran of the communications industry. He has engineered numerous successful campaigns and initiatives in practice areas including crisis management, corporate communications/reputation management, issues management and product publicity/media relations. Scott’s expertise ranges from top consumer companies to tightly-focused advocacy campaigns. His deep knowledge of industry best practices affects all R&J clients through his pairing of the right campaigns to client needs.
Tim Gerdes
Director of Digital Services
Tim leads our Digital Services team, and is an expert in the integration of paid, owned and shared social marketing into our clients’ messaging strategies. With twenty years of digital marketing experience, and a passion for technology, Tim has a superior track record for utilizing new tools and channels where they’re clearly aligned with client objectives.